Thursday, April 07, 2005

Full Moon?

I am beginning to think that it is a full moon or something.. Malcolm has lost his 80lb boxer mind.. It all started a couple weeks ago.. there is a female pit bull in heat 3 houses down.. Now I know it is instinct for him to want to pay her a visit.. and that the owners should keep her secured.. but there are other things making me think this dog is going insane.. he runs off to see her.. he has started wanting to run out in the middle of the road.. he kicked his daddy's butt the other day.. and yesterday I had the puppy kenneled while I was gone and when I came home there were shredded paper towels all over the place.. my first thought was.. "BUSTED". I am beginning to think I need to send him to doggie military school.. or doggie boot camp..

There is really not a lot else going on today.. got my Lincoln back from the auto shop guys at Ron's school.. thanks guys... and I got to have lunch with my honey today.. that is always a good thing.. I love seeing him in the middle of the day.. well I like seeing him anytime..

Most of the day other than the trip to school has been running to get things for Jordan's apt. upstairs.. he needs to steam clean... he needed a new toilet assembly.. both of which he got today.. I think I hear steam cleaning above my head as we speak.. cool.. hmmm wonder if he would bring it down and let me use it first... anyway.. I'm outta here

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