Friday, January 28, 2005

Early thinking..

All my friends wonder why I get up this early..I don't have to be up until 7:00 .. I get up at 5:50.. I do this to spend time with Ron.. It is that simple.. Is there something wrong with wanting to say good morning?.. with packing his lunch and walking him to the door for a kiss? Some of my friends say I am just old fashioned.. some say I am spoiling him.. and a few have said that I am crazy, Ron is a grown man he can take care of himself,.. well yeah.. he can.. and yeah i am spoiling him and yeah.. i am old fashioned...

Let me explain.. I believe in what the bible tells me about the man being the head of the household.. the bread winner.. the provider.. the protector..
I believe that a woman's role in a family is to nurture .. provide love.. support.. and take care of her family ...

Before you feminists get a rope and start looking for a tree.. give me a minute.. Yes I know that there are a lot of men that not only won't earn money for their families but won't provide even the simplist things for them either.. I also know there are too many women that have to go it alone ... been there done that.. I have had to work all of my life outside the home... Still I did the school mom thing.. the having dinner on the table thing.. the keeping up the home thing.. I am not superwoman.. I never thought there was anything special about me because I had the home and the professional me .. I thought that was the norm, the way things should be... I still do..

What I am trying to say is .. I love taking care of my kids.. I love taking care of Ron.. I don't see me as wasting my talents and education because I am unable to work right now.. I have a full life.. a full time "job" .. My friends don't understand that I do the things I do.. the spoiling.. the taking care of .. because I want to..

Ron was married for 20 years the first time.. I was married for 18 .. We both had very different lives then.... This marriage thing isn't new to either of us.. The roles that defined us then made us who we are now.. Do I think that men should share in housekeeping.. YEP... do I think that men should change diapers.. get up for 2 am feedings.. help in making decisions about bringing up the children.. YEP YEP YEP..

Do I think there is anything wrong with me bringing Ron his dinner.. taking his plate.. making sure he has clean clothes to wear.. getting up with him in the morning when I don't have to.. NOPE.. I think we as women have many roles to play.. and sometimes we get so used to being everything to everyone that we forget to nurture not only ourselves but the ones we love the most..I know we don't live in a "Father Knows Best" world anymore.. I am just saying that if you have a good solid relationship.. if you have a good one.. perhaps a little spoiling can go a long way to keeping him and you happy..

On the other side of the coin.. I must admit that Ron treats me like a queen.. he has never done one thing to damage my self esteem .. to make me feel less than him.. he always tells me how much he appreciates what I do.. he never forgets to tell me that he loves me.. he tells me i am beautiful.. (he needs glasses).. He makes me feel like i am precious to him.. I guess what I am doing with the things that I do for him is telling him that he is precious to me.. maybe that is what it is all about.. appreciating each other and defining your roles in a marriage by the simple act of loving and taking care of each other.. ok.. gotta run.. kids won't get up.. oh honey.. by the way.. have you gotten the I LOVE YOU part of this ??...


Ron Simpson said...

As the matter of fact I do get the whole 'I love ya' thing. Sometimes, even in the most loving of relationships, it is easy to lose sight of the precious part of loving and being loved. It is all too often, too easy to lose the other half in the search for self.

You are not the hinderance in my search for myself. You are not the dead weight in my search either. You are my helpmeet. You are my anchor. You are the reason my search continues. If I were alone in this life, I would still be drifting. Our relationship gives me a defining line in my life. Before you, I was a floater. I worked when I needed to work. I loafed when I wanted to loaf. I wasnt slipping backwards, in the regualr sense of slipping, but I wasnt going forward either. If I am standing and all traffic around me is moving forward, in truth, I am sliding back.

Yes, you spoil me. My lunch is made and when I eat at work, it is just one more connection to you. Your picture on my desk is another connection. Calling you at lunch is another. We are connected in so many ways, I feel lost when I can't feel you. Fortunately for me, I feel you around me all the time.

Do you get the 'I love ya' part as well ?

TammyJ said...

Yes My love .. I get the "I love you" part.. every day.. all the time.. sitting here at your desk..(I ain't claiming this thing) I feel you .. I know whatever I am doing .. wherever I am.. You are right here beside me.. there is a silver band on my left hand that I look at .. and I feel you.. Have a good day at work.. as you said the first time i had to go to FL.. Come home to me..