Monday, January 23, 2006

Slaying Dragons

I have had it up to here ( hand at my forehead) with people who are either not in, don't know, or otherwise find creative ways to avoid talking to me.. Ron has informed those of you that read his blog of what happened with Chris this weekend.. long story short for those of you not reading his blog ( who wouldn't read his blog).. Chris was arrested on Friday for violating his bond release.. I spent the majority of Friday afternoon and all weekend wracking my brain to find out what the supposed violation was.. This morning I spoke with someone who seemed to have answers.(miracles never cease).. She works for the County Attorney's office and was the person who filed the violation with the Judge. She told me that the so called victim in this case reported seeing Chris at home.. OMG.. you don't mean it.. he was at home.. one of the two places he is allowed to be.. say it ain't so.. so instead of checking the conditions of Chris' bond release this product of modern legal thinking goes forth to get a judge to sign a warrant for Chris' arrest.. Hello Moron.. you are the people that imposed the conditions in the first place.. wouldn't you think you would know that by being at home he was complying?. Just a thought..

This morning.. I dressed in my judicial dragon slaying attire and prepared to kick some legal eagle ass.. I have called Chris' attorney.( the guy that didn't even have a clue his client had a warrant on him) and informed him of not only what the warrant was about but also the supposed violation while suggesting to him in no uncertain terms that I thought it was time for him to get off his butt and get my son out of jail NOW!!.. I was friendly.. firm.. ok.. pushy.. but friendly.. My next call was to the County Pretrial office where I told her what was going on.. they are the people that are in charge of people on bond release.. they are the ones doing the drug testing and giving permission for people on release to do things.. they also didn't have a clue why Chris is locked up.. they have a couple clues now..

Then it was on to the courthouse.. where I do believe there is a clerk needing to go home and change his shorts.. I really didn't do anything other than tell him what I wanted and let him know that I wasn't leaving until I got it.. the fact that he was less than 5 foot tall and wearing a bright pink sweater ( on the advice of queer eye for the straight guy no doubt) and that I have a certain smile that tends to chill even the most hardened civil servant into remembering they are there to serve us.. at any rate he got the information for me and even put the letters and documentation I had for the judge in the right place for me.. I thanked him and wished him a great day..

Now I am playing the waiting game.. I don't wait well .. I am patient when it comes to my kids, hubby, lines at the grocery.. but when it comes to an injustice of this magnitude.. I just can't seem to muster a lot of patience.. they weren't patient in putting him in jail for nothing why should I be patient in waiting for them to fix their mistake..

I just want my son out of there.. he did what he was supposed to do and still there he is in a cell.. what kind of message does that send.. No matter what you do you will wind up in trouble? .. that isn't what I am trying to teach my kids.. I do believe in our justice system for the most part.. I think a lot of it is bullshit.. but I do believe in the promise that justice is for everyone.. I do I do I do.. but lately it seems justice is a shadow lurking just around the corner so that things like this can come along and bite ya on the ass.. just my opinion..

I will keep ya updated as this situation develops.. but to leave ya with a laugh.. picture.. a 5ft 8 in 146lb redhead standing in front of a 5 story courthouse saying " Bring it".. I can take whatever they dish out.. just hope they are ready for me..

Y'all have fun..

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