Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Winding Up and Winding Down..

With 3 days left til Christmas I have to wind up the shopping before I wind myself down.. I have a problem with Holiday Shopping.. I don't like to shop.. I may have mentioned this before.. but, perhaps I didn't make it clear.. when given the choice to go shopping with friends or have a long dental procedure done minus painkillers.. I seriously would consider the dental work.. I just don't like to shop..

Ron will disagree or at least wonder where it is his money goes.... I do love to thrift store shop.. I love garage sales.. and I love auctions.. I simply don't like the whole go to a crowded mall getting sneezed and coughed on by dozens of people, shoving and pushing to get the one of a kind OVERPRICED, piece of whatever and then having to haul it the 10 miles to the parking lot, then spend 20 minutes trying to get out of the parking lot.. NOPE.. not my thing..

I don't even like grocery shopping.. I can take a list of 50 things in the store, get them all and be outta there in 10 mins flat.. I see no reason to hang out.. I know what I want.. I can read fast enough to get the cheapest of what I need without turning it into a monumental decision.. I know when I go in there what I am gonna be cooking.. I don't need to hang out in the produce section to find that Perfect head of lettuce.. I get the best looking of the lot presented to me and move along.. I do check my bread for freshness, it just doesn't take me half the day to do it.. There is no reason for me to be there all day.. they still have the same things they had last week.. and if by chance they do have something new.. chances are it isn't gonna be something I need to study to know whether I want to buy it or not..

With all that said.. we have 4 people left on the list to buy for.. when this is done.. I will be able to relax and wind down.. did I mention I obsess about things.. I don't like shopping but I like to make sure we have everything we need when we need it.. Lordy I am a mess.. oh well .. time to get outta here and do what has to be done.. Have a great day

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