Thursday, June 22, 2006


Something kept repeating in my head last night as I tried to go to sleep.. so I thought I would share .. nothing like keeping your friends awake too.. anyway..

What was on my mind was the power of our words.. words can have such an impact on people .. they can bring a smile to someone needing one.. they can brighten the day of a total stranger.. they can convey the love one feels for another whether that love be platonic, parental, or to the one you share your life with.. they can be a positive influence on the world at large.. I personally choose to think that is why we were given the gift of verbalization and the ability to translate that into the written word..

Words can also be used to hurt, demean, attempt to embarass, and for all sorts of negative influences on our world.. while most of us can dismiss the people that say words or write them for evil intent this is not the worst way words can be used as a weapon.. the worst way to me is for someone to take the innocent or non hurtful words of another and twist them to suit some personal agenda.. it demeans not only the person they are trying to hurt but themselves, this perversion of words more often than not causes not the furtherment of their agenda but the distruction of their own hearts eventually.. It is often hard to dissociate the person twisting the words from their actions and they become the object of anger, pity and ridicule themselves..

I have heard the expression of something being a double edged sword many times in my life.. I find this to be especially true in the case of words.. be careful how you use them.. try to use them for good... If you don't or if you twist the words of another the only person you will be cutting with your sword is yourself..

Just my take on words .. now that is out of my head.. I think I'll take a nap.. Y'all have fun


xwy said...

Spoken very wisely. If more people carefully selected their words I truly think there would be more peace in the world.

*And BTW, you made the right decision by leaving your ex. The kids may not understand it now but some day they will...and they will thank you for it.

TammyJ said...


Thank you for the kind words.. and the support for my decision to get out.. you don't know what the support means to me when so many of my old "friends" weren't there for me at the time.. thank you


Retro Girl said...

Words can often be way more painful, and abusive than physical harm..and have longer lasting negative effects.

On the flip side, positive, encouraging, supportive words can do more for a person, than all the money in the world...

People should think about that...

While I am sad and feel empathetic pain for all you went through in the past...(and some of the tricky situations recently)...I am so glad you got thru all that, and left the Ex...because it all brought you to where you are, and who you are today...I'd have never met you if your journey had been different...and my life would not be the same. I am SO much better for having met you...You have proven to me that Real Love does exist, dreams CAN come true, and what a beautiful, strong, determined woman is..and how to be one.

I love you my friend *HUGS*