Monday, May 09, 2005


Dang.. who would have thunk it? That delivering flowers would wipe a person out so much.. I am wiped.. Sierra and I did 10 more deliveries today.. after the 2 day marathon of 34 you would think 10 would be a breeze.. Not so.. One thing it is hot out today.. and Lexington traffic.. well lets not even get me started on Lexington traffic.. suffice it to say I wonder each and every day how some of these people not only got licensed in this state but how they manage to survive every day out on the roads..

Anyway.. Sierra and I finished up around 2:30.. grabbed our check and ran like hell before she could give us any more flowers to deliver.. actually she didn't have many more and she asked if we wanted a few .. we turned her down.. I needed to get home to Kyle.. thanks to Jordan he got picked up from school ok..

I love doing something to earn a little money.. Makes me feel like I am doing more than taking around here.. yeah I keep the house.. I take care of the kids mainly.. I cook.. but those things I would be doing if I were working full time still.. For me .. Making this little bit of money gives me back a bit of my self esteem that has been sorely tested in the last year and a half.. I normally know my worth around here.. It is just sometimes I feel that I need to be doing more.. I need to be making money.. paying bills.. all that good stuff..

So.. in saying all of that.. I want to thank Sierra, Chelsea and Ron.. I would not have been able to do my job without them to help.. and I wouldn't feel so good about finally doing something to contribute around here.. I feel more like me than I have in the last yr and a half.. (tired) but a good tired.. a tired from accomplishing something.. dang I think I might need a hobby.. I know I sing.. but that is too much fun to feel like I have done anything.. Oh well .. I am going to take the family out to Ci Ci's pizza for dinner tonight to celebrate.. Y'all have fun..

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